Patiently Nurturing Seeds of Promise

Growth takes time. This simple phrase was a guidepoint in my own life, and it resonates with me again as spring turns to summer, all in its own time.

I am reminded of a woman who participated in more than a year of SHINE sessions at PACT’s Therapeutic Nursery. We hadn’t seen one another in several months, and she was excited to see me last week, saying she had something important to show me.

On graduating from the SHINE program more than 6 months ago,  she had received her own set of the Keys to Mindfulness. These Keys are tangible reminders to practice mindful awareness in the midst of everyday life.

This mom had been living in shelters for more than a year and was waiting for the housing voucher to have her own home. She knew the day she received keys to a house would mark a significant turning point in her life. When she received her SHINE Keys, she decided she would save them to go on her new home’s key ring.

SHINE’s life-changing mindfulness practices, represented in that ring of Keys, had supported her through a challenging phase of her journey. She wanted to use them in a celebratory way, honoring her growth, patience and endurance when she arrived at that milestone of having her own home.

When I arrived for the SHINE Session, she was beaming as she approached me. “I got my house!” she exclaimed, showing me a key ring with metal keys and her set of Keys to Mindfulness attached. Her whole being exuded pride and gratitude.

When seeds are planted, it takes time for them to grow into full blossom. And like those cycles of life in nature, it takes patience to actualize the visions we have for our own lives. My reunion with this woman was a wonderful reminder of the importance of taking one step at a time, being present in the journey, and celebrating with gratitude.

How can you patiently nurture the seeds of promise in your life?

To what one breath can do,

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