Welcome to the Center for Mindful Awareness Blog!

amy connollyIt’s been quite a journey launching this website – and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Finally, we have a place to share everything we’re doing towards our mission of bringing mindfulness into the lives of underserved people and the professionals who support them.

My hope is that you’ll take some time to see what we’ve created here and, in doing so, come to understand why it matters so much.

I look forward to sharing what we’re doing in the Baltimore community, what we’re learning as we go and, especially, the profound impact this work has on those who chose to learn the ideas and techniques behind what is truly one of the most life-changing practices.

As we continue programs already in progress in organizations throughout the city and county, we are also preparing for our second public workshop, Nurturing Ourselves Through Mindfulness – Radical Self Care.

We held our first public workshop one month ago as a way to raise funds for our mission, and it was such a resounding success that we decided to host one monthly.

In fact, we created nine separate workshops, all around the Nurturing Ourselves Through Mindfulness theme, but with a different focus each month.

If you missed the first one in November, we hope you’ll join us for the second on February 22nd. Here’s the link to find out more and to register:

Register for Nurturing Ourselves Through Mindfulness – Radical Self Care: Feb. 22nd @ 9am-12pm

We will back with more news soon – and more about our upcoming public workshop. Plus, you’ll be hearing from The Center for Mindful Awareness team as they share their own experiences working with and supporting The Center for Mindful Awareness in this new and exciting chapter of our story.

Tashi Deleh!

This post was written by Amy Connolly, founder of The Center for Mindful Awareness and creator of its signature program, SHINE.

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