Transforming Lives, Shifting Culture

We are thrilled to be equipping the staff of various city agencies this year with mindfulness tools that lower their stress levels and help them maintain focus and calm in challenging situations. The Baltimore Station Executive Director commented, “I was struck by the openness and increased introspection among the staff. With SHINE, we created a space … so that regardless of staff position, they all began to relate positively to one another.”

Nourishing Mind & Body

We are celebrating the completion of the first phase of our inaugural two-year Facilitator Training Institute. The second phase of the program will focus on the SHINE program at the Women’s Housing Coalition. This phase allows the Facilitator Trainees to observe and directly participate in an on-site program with the residents. YOU can be an important part of this exciting new phase.

Many Gifts Received in Good Company!

I can’t think of a better way to spend a drizzly Saturday morning in early spring than to gather with like-minded friends with open hearts and curious minds to learn about and practice mindfulness .… The brilliant meditation teacher Rachel Naomi Remen wrote, “Perhaps the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company.”