Nourishing Mind & Body


At this time of Winter Solstice, when the days begin to lengthen, we are writing in celebration and to ask for your help.

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We are celebrating the completion of the first phase of our inaugural two-year Facilitator Training Institute. With a small group of 8 carefully selected Facilitator Trainees who are committed to learning SHINE’s unique approach, we are moving toward our goal of reaching more people in Baltimore with simple, practical, and transformational mindful awareness practices.

The second phase of the training will focus on the SHINE program at the Women’s Housing Coalition. This phase allows the Facilitator Trainees to observe and directly participate in an on-site program with the residents. YOU can be an important part of this exciting new phase. Providing a nourishing meal facilitates connection, continuity and community for program participants, all essential to SHINE’s success.

We have a goal of 160 meals by January 15th. Click here to give an amount that is meaningful to you, and help us set a welcoming table each week for the women participants.

We are grateful for your partnership and wish you abundance and joy in the New Year.

To what one breath can do,


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