Making space for growth…the mindful way

Girl with her mother holding a new flowerIn harmony with the energies of change and growth that Springtime brings, we are currently re-evaluating the CommunitySHINE monthly workshop model and will not be holding the planned May workshop for the Nurturing Ourselves Through Mindfulness series.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to those who attended the April workshop and added their open hearts and curious minds to the conversation and practice of STOP. In feedback forms, 100% of participants rated the workshop Excellent, and all said they would recommend it to a family member, friend or colleague. One participant also commented that she wanted Amy (the facilitator) to know “she is changing my life.”

We recognize these workshops have been enormously beneficial to many, and provide an opportunity to experience present-moment awareness and community–both of which are all too often absent in the rush of modern life. At the same time, we are also committed to good stewardship of our resources in alignment with our mission to bring mindfulness into the lives of underserved people and the professionals who support them. To this end, we are exploring options for how best to offer the CommunitySHINE workshops in the future.

Perhaps we could say that, under Amy’s wise and practiced leadership, we are simply applying the SHINE Key to Mindfulness of STOP. We are stopping to take a metaphorical breath, observe what is happening and open to new possibilities, and then proceed mindfully…rather than simply staying the course we had created. Sometimes letting go of a plan creates the space for something even better to grow in its place.

As part of the observing and opening step of this process, we are noting the helpful feedback several of you have given us that you would prefer to receive our newsletters less often.

With this in mind we’d like to reach out and ask each of our readers to give us feedback in the form of a brief 5-question survey. We greatly value your input as we open to what best serves the whole. Please click on this link to go to the survey. It would be wonderful if you could complete it by May 25th.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and input as we reorganize…and do stay tuned for word on our next workshop offerings. We will let you know as soon as the way is clear.

With great-fullness,

Andrea Wenger
Director of Communications & Outreach
Center for Mindful Awareness

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