Reflections in a time of change

Letting go of the abundance of a summer’s harvest, this is a perfect time for looking inward and taking time for reflection. Mindful awareness encompasses all aspects of our lives. Take some time to pause and mindfully inquire, using these questions as a guide.

Is What I’m About to Say an Improvement on Silence?

How many times have you cut someone off mid-sentence, or blurted something out in a conversation or argument… only to regret it moments later? Being mindful is a learnable skill we can utilize to minimize hurtful situations, improve our communication and heal relationships. In SHINE groups we invite participants to practice mindful listening and speaking in several ways.

The difference pausing to STOP can make

In our fast-paced lives it is common to be on autopilot and not fully present to what we are saying or doing. When we use the “STOP” Key to Mindfulness, each letter helps us create a meaningful pause – a breathing space – before acting. STOP allows us to respond, rather than react to what is happening.