Too busy to pause? Try this . . .

Carving out time to practice the very thing that will help us to slow down can be a frustrating conundrum when racing from job demands to appointments to family responsibilities. However, there are countless ways to practice mindfulness on-the-go. By bringing full awareness of your experience into any moment of your day, you’ll be better able to access peace, kindness and compassion.

Managing anger through mindful self-regulation

It is part of the human experience to feel anger, as well as other strong emotions like fear and resentment. Read on to for how to approach these emotions from a mindful perspective, the Lipstick Lady’s story, and a practice you can use right now.

Cultivating Happiness, Awakening Joy

Research shows that gratitude is central to a happy and joyful life. Find out how it changed a 91-year old woman’s perspective. You can even watch her tell the story in her hilarious way, and follow links to more articles and research for how to incorporate more gratitude into your own life.