Patiently Nurturing Seeds of Promise

Growth takes time… and like the cycles of life in nature, it takes patience to actualize the visions we have for our lives. My reunion with this woman was a wonderful reminder of the importance of taking one step at a time, being present in the journey, and celebrating with gratitude.

Reflections in a time of change

Letting go of the abundance of a summer’s harvest, this is a perfect time for looking inward and taking time for reflection. Mindful awareness encompasses all aspects of our lives. Take some time to pause and mindfully inquire, using these questions as a guide.

Finding ease in the midst of pain

When pain arises, we can create a different relationship with it to lessen its grip. When we notice with kind attention how sensations change, fluctuate, ebb and flow, it feels as if the pain has less power. Through practicing mindful awareness, we can become skilled at dealing with moment to moment sensations of pain.