Reflections in a time of change

Letting go of the abundance of a summer’s harvest, this is a perfect time for looking inward and taking time for reflection. Mindful awareness encompasses all aspects of our lives. Take some time to pause and mindfully inquire, using these questions as a guide.

Season of sweetness and reflection

Part of the Jewish New Year’s tradition invites us to eat apples dipped in honey in hopes of a sweet new year. It is a time of reflection, both reviewing the past year, and looking forward to aspirations for the coming year. We reflect gratefully on the contributions of our CMA partners which have been instrumental in moving the CMA’s work forward. How can you bring more sweetness into your life with the “I spy gratitude” practice?

Equanimity in the face of difficult situations

What practice might remind you to find equanimity in the midst of the rush and challenges of your day? Read on for inspiration, ideas and a song by Betsy Rose to support your practice of cultivating balance in the midst of the hard stuff of life.