Equanimity in the face of difficult situations

What practice might remind you to find equanimity in the midst of the rush and challenges of your day? Read on for inspiration, ideas and a song by Betsy Rose to support your practice of cultivating balance in the midst of the hard stuff of life.

Too busy to pause? Try this . . .

Carving out time to practice the very thing that will help us to slow down can be a frustrating conundrum when racing from job demands to appointments to family responsibilities. However, there are countless ways to practice mindfulness on-the-go. By bringing full awareness of your experience into any moment of your day, you’ll be better able to access peace, kindness and compassion.

Transforming Lives, Shifting Culture

We are thrilled to be equipping the staff of various city agencies this year with mindfulness tools that lower their stress levels and help them maintain focus and calm in challenging situations. The Baltimore Station Executive Director commented, “I was struck by the openness and increased introspection among the staff. With SHINE, we created a space … so that regardless of staff position, they all began to relate positively to one another.”