The wisdom of kindness

Kindness can be very simple. It’s in the little things of life: a smile, a helping hand, a thoughtful word or deed. And, what if, the next time you make a mistake, you dare to extend kindness instead of criticism towards yourself? Opening to what is possible through kindness is a simple and real way to impact the world that is right in front of you.

Know and Let Go: How Awareness Relieves Tension

In order to let go, we must first know that we are holding on. That is where awareness comes in. Mindfulness is all about awareness. It is no more complicated than to start right where you are and realize that with awareness, you CAN let go.

Is What I’m About to Say an Improvement on Silence?

How many times have you cut someone off mid-sentence, or blurted something out in a conversation or argument… only to regret it moments later? Being mindful is a learnable skill we can utilize to minimize hurtful situations, improve our communication and heal relationships. In SHINE groups we invite participants to practice mindful listening and speaking in several ways.